Wednesday, December 12, 2012


1 measure gin
½ measure sweet red vermouth
½ measure orange juice
¼ measure orange curacao

Damn this weather. I was suppose to go skiing this coming weekend, but there is no snow nowhere so there is no way I am going skiing. I consoled myself with a DAMN THE WEATHER cocktail on this 12/12/12/ date and I must say, it was pretty damn good.

The gin-based DAMN THE WEATHER cocktail was created one gloomy night in the 1920s. To make it, combine the four ingredients listed above in a short cocktail glass, add lots of ice and stir. Garnish with a sliver of orange.

DAMN THE WEATHER is a typical roaring 20s cocktail in that it is made with gin. Gin was a very popular spirit during the Prohibition years. This was because it easy and cheap to make, especially compared to whiskey, which was also popular, but took longer to age. Vodka hadn’t been discovered by the masses yet.

The DAMN THE WEATHER cocktail is as fun to drink as it is to say. Of course, if you don’t like gin, you’ll be saying “damn this drink,” but if you are a gin-lover, you will adore it. The orange flavors are a great compliment to the gin and the sweet red vermouth adds a touch of bitterness to the cocktail that I found welcoming. Be warned that, since it is made mostly of alcohol, DAMN THE WEATHER may get you damn drunk. But that’s OK. You aren’t going anywhere.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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