Thursday, December 13, 2012


1 measure whiskey
¾ measure Chambord raspberry liqueur
2 measures sour mix

Velvet is a distinctive, soft, tufted fabric that is synonymous with indulgence. The CHAMBORD VELVET JACK is the cocktail version of that luxurious velvet top you may be breaking out this holiday season. To make it, put your finest whiskey — I used Old Grand-Dad, but Jack Daniels would have been ever better — some Chambord and sour mix into a short cocktail glass that has been filled with crushed ice. Stir well and enjoy.

The CHAMBORD VELVET JACK is as dense as velvet and nearly as smooth. Though I’m still not the world’s biggest whiskey fan, I like it when it’s mixed with the delicious Chambord, like in this cocktail. The raspberry-flavored Chambord liqueur is always a treat. My only complaint is the sour mix. It made the cocktail a bit too bitter for me. Next time I’m in the mood for a CHAMBORD VELVET JACK, I’ll try using sweet and sour mix instead for a softer, even more velvety, taste.
Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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