Friday, December 14, 2012


1 measure apple-flavored vodka
1 measure whipped cream vodka
1 ½ measure heavy whipping cream

The Beach Club in Concord, Ohio, has an impressive cocktail list. I went for dinner with a group of loud, fun friends and decided to go for the CARMEL APPLE ALA MODE MARTINI. I suppose I was trying to make autumn last a little longer. Technically, it is still autumn. The first day of winter isn’t until December 21st. Not to mention the fall-like weather we’ve been having.

To make the CARAMEL APPLE ALA MODE MARTINI, a bartender, wearing a sparkly t-shirt with the word “naughty” on it, put the three ingredients listed above into a cocktail shaker. She added ice to the shaker, shook it well, and strained the off-white mixture into a martini glass. But it wasn’t just any martini glass, it was one that had been drizzled with caramel for garnish.

The caramel decoration was one of my favorite things about the CARAMEL APPLE ALA MODE MARTINI, but it wasn’t the only thing. I also loved the frothy top and creamy taste, similar to the sweet treat of putting ice cream on a piece of pie. The martini had a nice mellow flavor, but also packed a powerful punch. It had more of a nutty taste than an apple one, and it could have used an egg white for more consistency, but I wasn’t looking for perfection. I only wanted a little more autumn and I got it.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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