Tuesday, December 11, 2012


2 ounces Three Olives Cake Vodka
2 ounces milk
Splash of Chambord raspberry liqueur
Splash of chocolate syrup

Me and cake are tight. I like it almost as much, if not more, than I like cocktails. The blending of the two is my idea of heaven. Luckily, I had a small slice of liquid left in my Three Olives Cake Vodka bottle and an Internet connection. I went to threeolives.com and found a long list of recipes for their cake flavored vodka. They all looked great, but I chose the CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY CAKE MARTINI one. To make it, I started by decorating a chilled martini glass with chocolate syrup, just to add a little flare. I then put the ingredients listed above into cocktail shaker, filled it with ice, shook it well and strained it into the glass.

If you are looking for a party in a glass, the CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY CAKE MARTINI is it. Though it didn’t taste like raspberry cake, it did taste like a cake for alcohol lovers. It was strong, but also a lot like chocolate milk. I saw the bottom of my glass faster than usual. Since the CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY CAKE MARTINI uses milk, it’s not as rich as heavy cream cocktails, and that’s a good thing. Still, it’s decadent just the same. It’s perfect with cookies or without.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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