Saturday, November 17, 2012


X. Y. Z
2 measures dark rum
1 measure Cointreau
1 measure lemon juice

I tried another 1920s cocktail tonight. One with a strange name. I'm not sure of the story behind the name. All I know is that for a cocktail to still be around almost 100 years after it was created, it must be good.

To make the X.Y.Z., I just put the three ingredients above into a cocktail shaker, added lots of ice, shook it well, then strained it into a martini glass. A slice of lemon served well as the garnish.

Dark rum is a must for an X.Y.Z. -- don't compromise with white rum -- and it is great in this cocktail.  The dark rum is what makes the lemony X.Y.Z.  cocktail a Jamaicafication of the sidecar, a cocktail with Cointreau, lemon juice and cognac. It may be what the sophisticated beachcombers drink. If drinking on a beach, join Hubby in adding ice this cocktail and take it slow. The strength of the lemon flavor is matched by the strength of the drink, which I just may re-name the A.B.C.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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