Friday, November 16, 2012


1 measure Licor 43
1 measure Absolute Orange Vodka
Sierra Mist or other Lemon-Lime Soda

Had a heck of a good time in the liquor store tonight. There were free shots of Wild Turkey Honey and samples of Batch 19 beer, both of which were very good. There was also some good advice from a swanky store clerk with a Russian accent.

He saw that I was buying orange-flavored vodka and Licor 43, which he pronounced by its Spanish name, Cuarenta Y Tres. He told me that I had made a fabulous selection and that the two items were going to taste great together. He suggested that I top them off with some Sprite or ginger-ale. He said it with such enthusiasm, that I went home and did just that.

I called it the GOOD ADVICE COCKTAIL and I used one measure of each of the liquors. I put them into a short cocktail glass that I had filled with ice, filled the rest of the glass up with Sierra Mist, gave it a stir, garnished with an orange slice and enjoyed.

I more than enjoyed it actually. I delighted in it. Orange flavoring
in cocktails is always delicious, and the vanilla-flavored Licor 43 enhanced the flavor beautifully in this cocktail. It also was not too sweet. Hubby thought the GOOD ADVICE COCKTAIL was weak, but sometimes all I want is a weak, but yummy, drink, and some good advice from a spirited stranger.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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