Thursday, November 15, 2012



HOT CIDER & RUM embodies everything good about fall,
And to make it is no trouble at all.

Put about one ounce of Bacardi or whichever rum you choose,
Into a coffee mug suitable for hot booze.

Add fresh apple cider from your local apple farm’s store,
Then stick the mug in the microwave for a minute, no more.

Stir it all together after hearing the “ding,”
Using a cinnamon stick, just to give it that certain autumn thing.

You will then have a cocktail perfect for a cool night,
Spent alone or with others, whichever feels right.

HOT CIDER & RUM will never go out of style,
It only took one sip to give me a smile.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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