Wednesday, November 14, 2012


2 ounces Applejack
1/2 ounce lime juice
1/4 ounce grenadine

One of the six basic cocktails that all bartenders had to know in the 1920s was the JACK ROSE. No one is quite sure how it got its name. After all, this was before the Titanic movie. It could be named after an infamous gambler or a New Jersey restaurateur.

Most likely though, it was named the JACK ROSE because it is made with Applejack and because the grenadine turns it the color of a rose. To make a JACK ROSE, put the three ingredients above into a cocktail shaker, add ice, shake well and strain into small cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of lime. The cocktail can be drunk straight up or with ice.

I added ice and was glad I did, because the JACK ROSE is one of those cocktails that got better with a melt. In fact, I didn't get to finishing my cocktail until about an hour after I had made it (busy night), and when I did, I sipped it and said, "Ahh, much better."

Compare that to Hubby's reaction after his first sip of the JACK ROSE immediately after I made it, which was "Wow, that's sour!" Indeed it was sour, but also slightly sweet from the grenadine and full of apple flavor. One bottle of Apple jack (otherwise known as apple brandy) has the flavor of six pounds of apples, and it's a liquor one should try at least once in their life. The lime juice in this recipe could be substituted with lemon juice, and it would be an Applejack cocktail. Either one works for me, and at least one should work for you.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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