Sunday, November 18, 2012


1 ½ measures cognac
1 ½ measures Grand Marnier
½ measure cherry brandy
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
¼ measure simple syrup
Lemon garnish

Oh to be a Vanderbilt in 1912, when it was the gilded age and all was golden, especially when you were fabulously wealthy. We are never going back to those days, but you can pretend with a VANDERBILT ORANGE cocktail.

It is my own twist on the Vanderbilt cocktail, the only different being the addition of Grand Marnier to the classic recipe for a Vanderbilt. What can I say? Accidents happen, even when making cocktails or should I say, especially when making cocktails. And I accidentally put in Grand Marnier when making this cocktail. Easy mistake, since Grand Marnier is cognac and orange liquor. Of course, as soon as I realized my mistake, I put some cognac in too. I had made the VANDERBILT ORANGE simply by putting the ingredients above into a cocktail shaker filled with ice, shook it well and strained it into a short cocktail glass half-filled with ice. The optional garnish is a slice of lemon on a spear with a maraschino cherry.

The VANDERBILT ORANGE may make you go "Whooeee!" for it is as strong as the Vanderbilts were rich. But it is worth waiting for a melt and getting past the first few sips. The cocktail then takes on a life of its own and you may begin to enjoy it, as I did. It is rich in flavor, especially with the addition of the citrusy Grand Marnier. Hubby said it would make a great dessert drink, because it was extra sweet. But it wasn't sugary enough for me and I thought it would make a better nightcap. And Sunday nights and sleep are always sweet.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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