Sunday, November 11, 2012


2 measures Three Olives Pomegranate Vodka

I spent my Sunday evening at the Club Molisani clam bake, where there were more Italians than on an episode of Sapranos. I slide up to the bar and asked for an Italian cocktail. As sometimes happens, the bartender did not step up to the plate. Despite a fully stocked bar, he was clueless as to what to serve me. I guess since I didn't order Chianti, he was stumped. I saw some Three Olives Pomegranate vodka behind the bar and decided to let him off the hook by suggesting he just mix it with Sprite. He poured about two measures of the vodka into a short glass, added ice and topped it off with Sprite before giving it a stir.

The POMEGRANATE PASSION cocktail wasn't fancy, but it sure was familiar. Flavored vodka and Sprite or ginger ale is my
no-brainier cocktail, and it's always good. Sprite works with any fruit-flavored vodka, including cherry, raspberry, orange, etc. etc. The pomegranate vodka though, I must say, was a fantastic choice that I had never tried before. The pomegranate flavor was strong, but not overwhelming, and the  bubbly Sprite was a perfect companion. The cocktail was refreshing and went well with the dessert tray. The POMEGRANATE PASSION may not have been the Italian cocktail I was looking for, but it was delicious and at least it was poured by an Italian bartender!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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