Monday, November 12, 2012


.75 ounce grenadine
1.5 ounce Pernod
Club soda

Since 1938, every November 11th or so is the day to thank a veteran. I'm raising a VICTORY DRINK and adding a salute in honor of America's brave soldiers on Veteran's Day!

To make the VICTORY DRINK (recipe is from, I simply put the first two ingredients above into a short cocktail glass I had filled with ice. I gave them a stir, then filled the rest of the glass with club soda and garnished with a maraschino cherry.

Pernod is a Parisian liquor that has been around since 1805. It tastes like licorice and to the creator of this cocktail, it must have tasted like victory, because it takes over the VICTORY DRINK. It reminded me of the Greek liquor Ouzo, something I once had a bad experience with. Though the cocktail wasn't a victory for me, don't dismiss it too quickly. It's also sweet, and bubbly, and a fine tribute to winners.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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