Saturday, November 10, 2012



One of the great things about a blog is that I can make the rules. One of the rules I'm evoking for tonight is that sometimes a beer can be a cocktail, especially when I'm at a beer and wine festival celebrating my birthday.

I tasted many, many beers at the Beer & Wine Fest at Holiday Valley Resort in Ellicotville, New York, to get to tonight's cocktail. The clear winner was from the Duval Single's brewery in Belgium and it was appropriately called GOLDEN ALE . When it comes to beer, I lean more to the lighter, less-hoppy side. GOLDEN ALE beer was both of those things, and it had a great, golden flavor too. It was my dream beer -- smooth and easy-drinking, clear and calming. Without a doubt, one of the best I tasted that night. I'm glad the pours were generous. Ten or so samples is, I was enjoying the band and ready to switch to wine. Life is short afterall.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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