Monday, October 8, 2012


1½ measures light rum
¾ measure apricot brandy
1 measure lime juice

It’s Columbus Day! Celebrate by walking into someone’s house and claiming you own it.
(stolen from the Huffington Post)

Yes, today is Columbus Day. Celebrated by Italians, Spaniards, Venezuelans, and lots of others beside the U.S., it is a celebration of the day Columbus first landed in the Americas. His very first landing after crossing the Atlantic was on October 12, 1492, in the Bahamas, which he thought was Japan. Columbus Day is also a very controversial holiday. Three states — Alaska, Hawaii and South Dakota— don’t acknowledge it because of Columbus’ horrific treatment of Native Americans.

Weather you love him or hate him, use today as an excuse to make yourself a COLUMBUS cocktail. To make it, just put the ingredients listed above into a cocktail shaker, add ice, shake and strain into a short cocktail glass. Add ice to the glass and a slice of lime for garnish. Much like the growing attitude about Columbus Day, the COLUMBUS cocktail is sour. It reminded me of a strong margarita. Despite the apricot brandy, there is nothing sweet about this cocktail. But, despite the odd combination of liquors, there is something good about this cocktail too. It had a unique taste and got less acidy when the ice started to melt. If sour is your thing, I highly suggest that you explore it.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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