Tuesday, October 9, 2012



1 measure brandy
1 measure dark crème de cacao
1 measure heavy whipping cream
Ground nutmeg for garnish

“You don’t need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!”
~ John Lennon

Today would have been John Lennon’s 72nd birthday. Like thongs of others, I thought the Beatles legend was a genius. I’m not sure what I respect him for more, his songwriting and music or his unique way of protesting. Now that I’ve tried one of his favorite cocktails— a BRANDY ALEXANDER — I have another reason to respect him. He had great taste in drinks.

To make the BRANDY ALEXANDER, I just put the three ingredients listed above into a cocktail shaker, added ice, shook the creamy mixture well, then strained it into a chilled martini glass. The last step was to sprinkle some ground nutmeg on top. If you only have flavored brandy or white crème de cacao, by all means use them as substitutes. Better to do that than to not partake of this delicious cocktail. Lennon called the BRANDY ALEXANDER his “milkshake” and I can see why. It tasted like a spiked milkshake. It was slightly sweet and slightly spicy. The nutmeg is definitely a nice touch. I imagine all the Dairy Queens selling these and there being peace.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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