Wednesday, October 10, 2012


1 measure vodka
½ measure apricot brandy
½ measure dry vermouth
Dash Angostura bitters

What is a CZARINA you ask? Confident Hubby said it must be a female Czar. I wasn’t so sure about that, so I turned to all-knowing Google. Turns out Hubby was close. A CZARINA is the wife of a Czar. It’s also the name of a lovely tasting cocktail.

To make the CZARINA cocktail, put the first three ingredients above into a short cocktail glass, add lots of ice and stir well. The final and most important step is to add a few dashes of Angostura bitters. Those unique and useful bitters interacted nicely with the apricot brandy and vermouth in this cocktail. With the tasteless vodka, the apricot flavored dominated.

I liked the CZARINA only after the ice melted a bit, but Hubby was instantly in love. He finished mine and made another. Considering that the cocktail packed a punch as powerful as a swing from a Russian boxer, I think he’ll be sleeping very well tonight.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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