Thursday, October 11, 2012


1 1/2 ounce tequila
1 ounce Cointreau
1 ounce lime juice
1/2 ounce strawberry liquor
1 cup frozen strawberries

A hard day of talking to my 7th graders' teachers, a home remodeling project, and the decision to have tacos for dinner night all had me craving a margarita tonight. Fortunately, I've become experienced enough at mixing to fulfill my cocktail cravings without a recipe. When I remembered I had some frozen strawberries in the freezer, I knew a STRAWBERRY MARGARITA had just been added to the dinner menu.

To make it, I pulled out the blender and filled it with the ingredients above. The strawberry liquor is optional and fresh strawberries would give this cocktail a better flavor. But just add what you can, along with about two handfuls of ice. Then blend on high for a good minute or two (nothing worse than large ice chunks in a frozen cocktail) and pour into a margarita or martini glass.

With tacos or without, the STRAWBERRY MARGARITA can make a night. I can't believe how easy it was too make and feel silly that I never did this before. I'll definitely never buy a margarita mix again. This homemade version was the perfect blend of sweet and sour, and tasted as good as it looks in the picture. Hubby drank his STRAWBERRY MARGARITA in record speed and declared it restaurant-quality. Unlike unflavored margaritas, the strawberries masked the tequila well, but the punch was felt. You could really use any type of fruit, including raspberries, pineapples, or mango, and it would be delicious. Keep reading, because I think a craving for a mango one may be coming soon.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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