Friday, October 12, 2012


Three Olives Berry Vodka
Wild Blueberry Simple Syrup
Fresh Citrus Juice
Twist of lemon for garnish

Touché means success in fencing or a witty point. But as of last night, Touché took on a new meaning for me. I now think of it as a wonderful little martini bar in Vermilion, Ohio, where I had a good time with good friends one Friday night.

I ordered me a WILD BLUEBERRY MARTINI and, if I had been fencing I would had yelled “Touché,” in honor of my successful order. To make it, the bartender had just put the ingredients above into a cocktail shaker, added ice, shook and strained it into a martini glass where a few blueberries had been placed at the bottom.

I did a round the table tasting and everyone’s martinis were delicious, but my WILD BLUEBERRY MARTINI was the only one with cancer-fighting oxidants from the blueberries. The blueberry taste was strong, but also fresh and pleasing to the palate. The cocktail had a lovely aroma as well. The alcohol could barely be tasted, but, by the end of the drink, you knew it had been there. I recommend both the cocktail and the place, when looking for a thrill…(commence singing now.)

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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