Sunday, October 7, 2012


1 1/2 measures rum
1 measure Club Soda
Apple Cider
Slice of apple

The road that lead to my drinking an OCTOBER COCKTAIL this evening began with my weakness for Matt Lauer. Yes, the host of the Today show is a fellow OU alum and his warm smile brightens my mornings. This past Friday morning, my ears perked up when I was watching the show and a recipe for the cocktail you see above came on. I'm not sure about the name of the cocktail. I only saw the word October flash quickly on the screen, but I did commit the simple list of ingredients to memory.

To make the OCTOBER COCKTAIL, I just put those ingredients over some ice, stirred well, and garnished with a slice of apple. The taste of the cocktail was delightful and refreshing. Hubby and I both loved it. It wasn't just boring ol' hot cider and rum, though that would have been good after an hour and a half in the cold rain at my son's soccer game. I was also happy to use up two of the best things about fall -- apples and cider. Definitely a great way to celebrate October. Thanks Matt!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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