Monday, October 1, 2012


1½ measure sloe gin

½ measure apricot brandy
½ measure lime juice

“Life is a tragedy when seen in close up, but a comedy in long-shot.”
~ Charlie Chaplin

CHARLIE CHAPLIN was a comedian, actor, writer, director and composer from the early 1900s who achieved icon status despite a rough childhood. His father left the family when he was still a baby, he spent part of his childhood in a London workhouse, and his mother eventually had a mental breakdown that lead to her being committed to an asylum. If you’ve never seen the movie the Little Tramp, run, don’t walk to your nearest streaming movie service.

However, you can walk to the bar when you order a CHARLIE CHAPLIN cocktail. The cocktail was created during the same era that silent films were all the rage, following in the footsteps of the popular Mary Pickford cocktail. To make the CHARLIE CHAPLIN, just put the three ingredients above into a cocktail shaker, add ice, shake and strain into a short cocktail glass. Ice is optional, but I’m glad I decided to add it, because, despite my love for the Little Tramp, the CHARLIE CHAPLIN cocktail needed all the help it could get. Since it is primarily sloe gin — which isn’t actually a gin, but a sweet liquor made from sloe berries — it is primarily sweet and syrupy. The lime juice does balance it out somewhat, but I would add more if I was to make this cocktail again. And the apricot brandy? What apricot brandy? Couldn’t taste it. Ironically, as I sat down to drink this cocktail and write this post, Joey Lawrence was doing the quick step on Dancing with the Stars dressed as Charlie Chaplin. How weird is that?

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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