Tuesday, October 2, 2012


2 measures sweet red vermouth
1 measure Campari
1 measure soda water
Orange slice

I became a little more American today with the purchase of that classic American icon -- an iPhone. I put off drinking the kool-aid as long as I could, but my blackberry died and I caved. I have a feeling I'm going to become iPhone dependent very soon, which scares me.

Another thing that scares me is Campari, a bitter Italian aperitif with an unmistakable taste. I keep trying Campari in different cocktails, hoping I'll like it in one of them eventually. Tonight, I tried an AMERICANO. To make it, I put sweet red vermouth and Campari in the measurements above into a short cocktail glass that I had half-filled with ice cubes. I gave it a stir, then topped it off with soda water. Lastly, I sliced an orange, took a slice, squeezed it in the cocktail and plopped the slice in.

Not surprisingly, the AMERICANO was bitter. That's Campari for ya'. I now think I may never develop a taste for the stuff. The orange helps, and so does the soda water. Heck, if I threw in some orange juice, I might have actually enjoyed this cocktail. But, as is, I wasn't even able to finish it. Hubby thought it tasted like medicine. But  if bitter is your bag, by all means go AMERICANO.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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