Wednesday, October 3, 2012


1 ½ measure amaretto
1 ½ measure vodka

I am Godmother to but one — my lovely niece Hannah. Today she is 18 and I am so proud of the beautiful, kind young woman she has become. I wish I could wave my magic wand like the Godmother in Cinderella and, with the help of some cute mice, make all her wishes come true.

Can’t do that, but I can drink a GODMOTHER cocktail in her honor, if not with her (yet.) Making the GODMOTHER was incredibly easy. I just put equal parts vodka and amaretto into a bowl-shaped cocktail glass that I had filled with plenty of crushed ice. No garnish was needed, nor wanted.

Any cocktail made with zero mixes and all liquor is going to be strong, but the GODMOTHER really blew me away. It was both powerfully strong and powerfully sweet. The almond-flavored amaretto liquor was enhanced by the vodka, but the cocktail was still pretty syrupy. As the ice melted and I continued to sip, I started to develop a taste for the GODMOTHER though. It almost became ‘an offer I couldn’t refuse.’

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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