Sunday, September 30, 2012


4 ounces tomato juice
1 measure silver tequila
1/2 tsp. Worcester sauce
Few drops tobasco sauce
Juice from half a lemon
Pinch of celery salt
Salt & freshly ground black pepper

No doubt you have heard of a Bloody Mary cocktail. Good for hangovers and Sunday mornings, a Bloody Mary is made with vodka and tomato juice, and various other spices.  I've enjoyed many a Bloody Mary in my day, so I was a little leery of its Mexican cousin, the BLOODY MARIA.  Plus it was a Sunday night, not a Sunday morning. Would it still taste good?

Despite the long list of ingredients above, the BLOODY MARIA was simple to make. I just put tequila, tomato juice (I used V-8), and the other ingredients above into a medium-sized glass that I had half-filled with ice. I gave it a good stir and garnished with a slice of lemon. A stick of celery or an olive are other classic garnishes that could be used as well.

Despite my fear and the fact I've rarely put tequila to my lips this year of cocktails, I thoroughly enjoyed my BLOODY MARIA cocktail. It was every bit as good as a Bloody Mary. In fact, better, because the tequila, despite being barely detectable, lent a little sweet flavor to the cocktail and covered up the hot spices better than vodka does. With the tomato juice and Worcester, it's also another good cure for a hangover. Margaritas at night followed by BLOODY MARIAS in the morning. Now that's how to do a weekend.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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