Thursday, September 27, 2012


1 ½ ounce gin
1 ½ ounce Sprite
1 ½ ounce lemonade or lemon soda

Flash…. Ahhh, King of the Impossible!

The band Queen sung those words in the theme song for the 1980 film called Flash Gordon. One look at the movie and you will immediately recognize the early 80s. It’s about a football star who turns into a superhero after his airplane crashes with a meteor. It’s a great example of a “campy” film.

I’m a big admirer of campy films done right, and after tonight, I’m also an admirer of the FLASH GORDON cocktail. It certainly can be made in a flash. Just put equal parts gin, Sprite and lemonade or, better yet, lemon soda, into a tall cocktail glass. Then add some crushed ice, a slice of lime and stir well before serving. You’ll find that the cocktail is light and crisp. One of my standard cocktails when I can’t think of anything else is a Sprite and vodka, but the FLASH GORDON has changed that. Sometimes, when it’s hot or I feel like something with more taste, dry and flowery gin is just what I need. When that happens, I’ll order a FLASH GORDON and suggest you do the same. It makes a great companion for a Thursday night football game, a campy film or any activity with a bottle of good gin nearby.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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