Friday, September 28, 2012


1 measure cognac
2 measures orange juice
2 measures grapefruit juice
Champagne or sparkling wine

As the Halloween decorations come out of the attics and into the homes and yards, I felt the need to drink a tasty, orange-flavored cocktail on my patio on this warm autumn night. I dug around and found the perfect cocktail. It’s called the PIZZETTI and it was created at a hotel in Italy long ago. To make the PIZZETTI, put the first three ingredients listed above into a cocktail shaker — the higher quality cognac the better — add ice, shake and strain into a wine goblet or brandy bowl. You then top it off with some champagne or sparkling wine, and enjoy.

The PIZZETTI, which means “little pizzas” in Italian, is a charming and delicious cocktail that speaks to the power of cognac and champagne. The cognac could scarcely be tasted, yet it gave the cocktail some strength and “umph.” It is not a cocktail for brown liquor lovers, but it is for white wine and champagne lovers. It tasted like a fruity, flavorful champagne. With its orange color, the PIZZETTI reminded me of a strong Screwdriver cocktail, though it packed a wallop that was more like a jackhammer. It’s perfect for autumn; for when you want a “real” cocktail after a long week of work; or for when you just can't decide between a cocktail or champagne.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

1 comment:

  1. Connie,

    I love it! Anything Italian I love but this sounds great. A little prosecco at the end, vs. Champagne. Keep cooking up the cocktails! :) Guy Peluso
