Tuesday, June 26, 2012


1 measure Cointreau
1½ measure pineapple juice
¾ measure grapefruit juice

When one wants to get sun kissed by a SUN KISS cocktail, there are lots of options. There are SUN KISS cocktail recipes with amaretto, orange juice, grand marnier, and the list goes on and on. After a bike ride with Hubby to the local tavern, I went with a SUN KISS cocktail made with Cointreau, pineapple juice and grapefruit juice. To make it, the Wright Place bartender put these three ingredients into a tall cocktail glass, added lots of ice and stirred well. A lemon garnish and a splash of club soda would have been nice additions, but they are optional.

I must say, I wanted to like the SUN KISS cocktail, and I did at first. It was fruity, with a strong pineapple taste, but the pineapple mixed with grapefruit juice and orange-flavored Cointreau made this cocktail too tangy and tart for my taste. It was a night kissed with sunny, perfect weather, but alas not with a perfect cocktail. I’m guessing these two juices would be better with vodka, and that the bike ride home should be interesting.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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