Monday, June 25, 2012


1 measure Three Olives Grape Vodka
Orange soda

Some nights — especially Monday nights after you were up late Sunday night at a Phish concert — you just have to improvise. A kidless Hubby and I went to Pizzazz Restaurant, a little hole in the wall, family-owned place a few minutes from my home. The food is so good that there is usually a long line on Friday and Saturday nights. As a result, I’d never eaten there before until tonight.

The liquor selection at Pizzazz was limited to 10 bottles and the waitress didn’t know a single cocktail recipe, so I had to think quick. I looked at the bottles and the beverage list, and decided that grape vodka and orange soda sounded liked an intriguing mix. I must be learning something after all these months of combining cocktails, because it was as good as I thought it would be. To make the cocktail, the waitress just put the vodka into a short glass filled with ice. She then filled the glass the rest of the way up with orange soda and stirred. The cocktail was a little strong, so you may want to cut back on the vodka or use a taller glass. But strength aside, it tasted like fruity candy. It was also a thirst-quenching drink, and the grape flavor was not too overwhelming. I was so impressed with myself for creating this on-the-fly cocktail that I quickly improvised a pizza order too. I went with white sauce, artichoke hearts, pineapple and ham, and it was as good as the cocktail.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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