Sunday, June 24, 2012


1 measure vodka
1 measure tequila
½ measure blue curacoa

Hubby and I turned into Phish Heads last night after dropping the kid off for six nights of overnight camp. Having been a Deadhead in a previous life, I’d always been curious about the band Phish and I had my wonderful brother, Russ, as a tour guide for the show at Blossom Music Center.

We got to Blossom in plenty of time for tailgating, socializing with other Phish Heads, and a tour of Shakedown Street. And of course, in time to have a cocktail before the show. A BLUE SHARK cocktail seemed fitting for the evening and the ingredients were easy to bring. To make the cocktail, I just put the ingredients above into a classic Red Solo cup, added ice and stirred.

The BLUE SHARK was my brother’s only drink of the night and it was a good choice for him. With three kinds of liquor in it, it is a strong one and definitely saved us all some money on beer inside the concert. The blue curacoa is sweet enough to give the BLUE SHARK some flavor, not to mention a cool look. But you do have to be in the mood for a buzz the size of Jaws when you wade into this water. Luckily, that was just the sort of mood we were in. We swam into that Phish concert, danced our tails off and had a great time.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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