Wednesday, June 27, 2012


2 measures vodka
Splash of dry vermouth

A VODKA MARTINI is one of Hubby's favorite cocktails and tonight he used his considerable experience to make me one. But before you become too impressed, let me tell you how it is made. Fill glass with ice, add two splashes of dry vermouth, fill the rest of the glass up with vodka, put two olives on a cocktail spear and use it to stir your martini.

If you add some olive juice, it will be a dirty martini. Other options include using a slice of lemon instead of olives like my Dad does or using half water, half vodka like Billy Bush does.

The VODKA MARTINI is basically just vodka and ice, which I think is an acquired taste. Hubby told me that after three sips it would taste better, but I don't agree. It took more like 1/2 hour and some serious ice melting before I could appreciate it.

Hubby explained why classic martini drinks like this one are popular. He's no doctor, but he has heard that wine with alcohol is digested faster than plain alcohol. This is because wine is absorbed through the stomach and alcohol is absorbed through your small intestine. So combining the wine (vermouth) and vodka gets the two spirits to your blood stream faster. In other words, wine with liquor gets you high quicker. The VODKA MARTINI was easy to make and effective. It is a cocktail everyone must have at least once, even if you have to go all Billy Bush and add water.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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