Saturday, May 12, 2012


Possibly my worst picture ever!

½ oz. raspberry vodka
½ oz. Sour Apple Pucker
1½ oz. Red Bull
¾ oz. pomegranate juice

Hip hooray, it’s Nurses Day. I have a great admiration fornurses. They hold down the front line and put up with a lot of BS. They give adamn about the strangers who become their patients and can make a huge impacton the rest of that stranger’s life. I’ll never forget the nurse whoinadvertently, but gladly, became my shoulder to cry on when I was goingthrough the drama that was my son’s birth.

I am lucky enough to have a lot of nurse friends. They can bea hoot to party with and most of them love a good cocktail. So, in honor of them,I made a NIGHT SHIFT cocktail I found on ScrubsMagazine’s web site. Made with Red Bull and vodka, it’s a cocktail that willhelp anyone get through a NIGHT SHIFT, whether it’s at a hospital or thedrive-in theatre, where I was heading.

To make the NIGHT SHIFT, I just put the ingredients aboveinto a shaker, added ice, shook it, and strained it into a glass with ice.Using the shaker made the cocktail nice and cold, but if you are running latefor your shift, you could just put the ingredients in glass with ice and stir. TheNIGHT SHIFT cocktail was a little sweet and sticky, but, you’ll have that withanything made with a pucker. All the different flavors mixed great together,and it was a huge improvement on the ol’ RBV stand-by. The raspberry vodka wasthe essential ingredient and manipulated the taste. Drink one for your favoritenurse — especially if your favorite nurse is you!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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