Friday, May 11, 2012


1.5 ounces Licor 43
1 ounce red wine
1 ounce fresh lemon juice
1 ounce fresh orange juice
1 dash Angostura Bitters

I love a good sangria, but with all the fruit chopping and such needed to make one, I jumped on the chance to try the easy recipe I found for sangria on a bottle of Licor 43.

It's not called LOW-BALL SANGRIA on the bottle of course, but that is what it ended up being - cheap and easy, but not very good. To make it, I just put the ingredients listed above into a shaker, added ice, gave it some shakes and strained it into a glass filled with ice. I garnished with orange and apple slices, but grapes can be used as well.

Now, part of the reason the LOW-BALL SANGRIA was disappointing was my own fault. I used the box of cabernet wine I had on my counter rather than the right kind of wine for a sangria, which is a sweet, light red wine with some acid to it. A rose, roija or light merlot wine would have made a world of difference with the LOW-BALL SANGRIA. In the cocktail I made, you don't really taste the red wine at all. You taste the vanilla and citrus flavor of the Licor 43 and the bitters, and, though I drank it all, it did not have that wine cooler taste I was looking for. And I lived on wine coolers in the 80s. The next sangria I have, I'll do the chopping.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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