Sunday, May 13, 2012


My Mama
½ ounce rum
½ ounce coconut-flavored rum
½ ounce grenadine syrup
½ ounce Crème de Banana
1 ounce orange juice
1 ounce pineapple juice

Nassua, Bahama, was 82 degrees today and Willoughby, Ohio, was only 72. Still, it was feeling beachy on the golf course where me, my Mom and sister celebrated Mother’s Day with nine holes of golf. I am not a golfer, but I like to go every once in while, especially when I can drive a cart and drink cocktails.

The BAHAMA MAMA was a delicious choice of cocktails and made a great cooler drink. There are a few different kinds of BAHAMA MAMA recipes out there. The one I used that is above is a combination of two recipes and is based on what I had at home. You could probably skip one of the ingredients and the cocktail would be just as good. Fresh pineapple and oranges instead of juice will work even better. To make a BAHAMA MAMA, just put what you do have into a blender, add about two cups of crushed ice and blend. It should come out a little slushy, which keeps it nice and cold.

The Bahama Mama
The BAHAMA MAMA is fruity and fresh. It’s tropical, but not sickly sweet. All the different juices give it a nice balance of flavors, and the rum is barely detectable. If you’ve only had cheap versions of this cocktail in bad tourist traps, try making one at home. You’ll probably like it much better. My sister said the BAHAMA MAMA is the best cocktail I’ve made her so far. But she didn’t drink enough if it, because she sure felt it when I hit her in the back with my ball as I was taking a shot toward the green. Whoops! Maybe next Mother’s Day, we’ll find a beach.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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