Wednesday, April 4, 2012


1 measure cognac
2 measures cranberry juice
2 measures pink grapefruit juice
¼ measure marsala wine

Cranberry juice is high in vitamin C and potassium, and it’s good for your heart. Add cognac to it, and it’s good for your mood too.

The CRANBERRY KISS cocktail was a pleasure to drink. It was a weird and wonderful combo of flavors that tasted like a good spiked punch. To concoct the CRANBERRY KISS, I just put cognac, cranberry and grapefruit juices, in the measurements above, into a shaker. Don’t add the marsala wine to the shaker. Instead, add it to the bottom of a chilled cocktail glass. The one I used was too small — think bigger. I then added ice to the shaker, shook, and strained the slightly foamy mix into the glass. You can garnish with redcurrants. Unfortunately, I’m not even sure what those are, let alone where to find them in a grocery store. But they sound delicious.

As for the cocktail itself, if you like cranberries, you’ll be in heaven. The CRANBERRY KISS was like a sweet kiss on the lips — a good, strong one that mellows nicely at the end. The juices hide the cognac well and it’s one of the few cocktails I’ve tasted that will enable you to guzzle cognac. And remember, good for the ol’ticker!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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