Tuesday, April 3, 2012


1 measure vodka
1 measure Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur
1 measure whipping cream

I’ve been craving chocolate all day and the Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur in my well-stocked bar was calling my name. A quick Internet search revealed that you can make a White Russian with Godiva instead of Kahlua. Since I just had the classic White Russian Saturday night, I thought it was in the best interest of my research to try a GODIVA WHITE RUSSIAN tonight.

To make it, I put equal parts vodka, Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur, and heavy whipping cream into a shaker. I then filled a cocktail glass half-full with shaved ice so it was ready to go. I added ice to the shaker (lots of ice is a sign of a good cocktail), gave it some shakes and strained the luscious looking libation into the glass.

And luscious it was. Compared to a classic White Russian, the GODIVA WHITE RUSSIAN was a little different. With Kaluha in the classic, there was a chocolate undertone, but with Godiva, there was a white chocolate undertone. Both chocolates are great in my book, but white is more like a treat. Either way, White Russians are yummilicious. Don’t let another day go by without trying one.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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