Thursday, April 5, 2012


Absolute Citron Vodka
White Grape Juice
Triple Sec
A splash of Chambord

Thank God for the rise in popularity in wine and martini establishments. I love these kind of places. The lights are usually dim, the barstools are comfy and the guests are happy. On nights when I want a break from making a cocktail, I have at least eight such places within a 15 mile radius of my house.

Tonight was one of those nights and I met my sister at the Paragon, a sorta new wine and martini bar in Euclid, Ohio. We both ordered their signature martini, aptly named the PARAGON MARTINI. As you can see, it has an interesting and intriguing mix of ingredients. The bartender shook them together in a shaker with ice, strained it into our martini glasses, and garnished with wedges of lemon.

“At least it’s drinkable,” said sis, as she squeezed her lemon over the top of her martini glass. I liked the PARAGON MARTINI’s tangy taste and hint of Chambord, but after each sip I was left with an odd taste in my mouth. The grape and citron give the cocktail a sourness that I didn’t like and I don’t think I’ll rush to order it again. Still, the PARAGON MARTINI is refreshingly different from all those sweet martinis out there.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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