Saturday, March 31, 2012

WHITE RUSSIAN, a.k.a., the Walter and Donnie

1 measure vodka
1 measure Kahlua
1 measure whipping cream

I have a wonderful friend from my college days at Ohio University named Heather, a.k.a, Emo. Today is Emo’s birthday and when I last saw her she told her favorite cocktail is a Walter & Donnie, a.k.a. a WHITE RUSSIAN.

The WHITE RUSSIAN has become known as the Walter & Donnie among fans of the classic comedy movie, The Big Lebowski (1998.) One of the first Coen Brother’s movies, The Big Lebowski was a flop when it first came out, but has since become a cult classic. Walter and Donnie, along with the “Dude” Lebowski, are two of the main characters. Dude, played to perfection by Jeff Bridges, is an aging slacker who pursues only three things in life — avoiding work, bowling, and drinking WHITE RUSSIANS. Dude drinks nine of the alcoholic milkshakes in the movie

Though I would have loved to have a WHITE RUSSIAN with her in person, Emo loved Athens, the home of Ohio University, so much, that she never left. Alas, that is four hours away from me. So, it was without her, but with some other great friends, that I whipped up a WHITE RUSSIAN. It was pretty easy too. I just put vodka, Kahlua and heavy whipping cream into a shaker. I then added ice, gave it some good shakes and poured the light brown mixture into a cocktail glass half-filled with shaved ice.

I’ve probably only had one other WHITE RUSSIAN in my life and I now wonder why, because it’s become one of my new favorites. The combination of vodka and Kahlua tastes a lot better than it sounds. The WHITE RUSSIAN is sweet, creamy and yummy. You hardly taste the alcohol, yet you can feel it effects. This cocktail is a bit on the heavy side. Still, I could drink several in a row. But that’s just me. Well, me and the Dude. OK, me, the Dude and Emo.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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