Friday, March 30, 2012


How could you resist?

Crème de Banana
Dark Crème de Cacao

I went to not one, but two, martini bars tonight. The reasons being  #1) I needed to get out of the house and escape my responsibilities #2) I hadn’t seen my sister-in-law Amy, whom I love, since Christmas and had yet to share a cocktail with her in 2012. #3) Do I really need a number 3?

In my rush to get out of the house, I went to the wrong martini bar tonight. After an illuminating phone call and a mad dash to the right martini bar, I was more than ready for tonight’s cocktail. I chose a CHOCOLATE COVERED BANANA MARTINI just because it sounded good, and I was not disappointed. The friendly bartender put the ingredients above into a shaker, shook it well with ice and put it into a martini glass drizzled with chocolate. That was a real nice touch, but I was even more impressed with the sidecar shot glass containing the extras from the shaker. Props to Billy’s Martini Bar in Mentor, Ohio, for giving its customers a martini and a half for the price of one martini.

I will definitely be back to Billy’s because the CHOCOLATE COVERED BANANA MARTINI was delicious, yummy and all that. I tasted more chocolate than banana, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Whenever I use to think of a chocolate covered banana, I thought of a childhood favorite — Cedar Point Amusement Park. But now I’ll think of Billy’s Martini Bar. The CHOCOLATE COVERED BANANA MARTINI was that good. It can erase childhood memories. It was a creamy, decadent treat that one needs to try at least once in a lifetime, even if you’ve never been to Cedar Point.

Patty and her Hot N' Dirty
My CHOCOLATE COVERED BANANA MARTINI was the polar opposite of what girlfriend Patty had- — a hot n’ dirty martini. Hers was the kind of cocktail that puts your mouth on fire and your butt in the bar stool for a good, long, while, because it has to be sipped slowly. The hot n’ dirty featured jalapeno peppers, Tabasco sauce, a limey flavor and God knows what else in it. Patty enjoyed it, but don’t look for it in my list anytime soon. The more adventurous I become, the more focused I become onwhat I like. And it’s kinda nice.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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