Saturday, March 17, 2012


Baileys Irish Cream
Rumplemintz Peppermint Schnapps

Last day of skiing in Big Sky, Montana, and a St. Patrick’s Day I’ll never forget. It was the Dirtbag Ball at Big Sky, and there were a lot of crazy outfits on the mountain. I saw ape, giraffe, and even a platypus outfit, plus a suit made entirely of duct tape and lots of gold lamé.

It being the seventh day of skiing for me this week, the legs were hurting. A quick mid-day shot was required to keep them going, and to start the St. Patty’s Day partying. Big Sky shares a lift with Moonlight Basin ski area, and it was at the Moonlight Lodge that said stop was made. I had a shot in mind that my brother had told me about, but I actually messed up and said Frangelico instead of Kahlua, But, guess what? It was still yummy.

The smiling bartender with the St. Patty’s day crown used a cherry, and slowly poured each ingredient above over the cherry in an attempt to create three layered shots for me, my Dad and hubby. It didn’t work. But she gets points for trying and it made me feel better that I haven’t been able to master the layering technique yet either. The shot went down smooth. The creamy liquors and the schnapps mixed well together, and I suffered no repercussions later. In fact, I kept the party going with a green beer après ski, and a Jamesons and ginger later that night. My Irish ancestors would have been proud!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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