Sunday, March 18, 2012


2 measures Licor 43
Club Soda

Short and simple, just like this blog post, the ADULT CREAM SODA cocktail is a must try. It was introduced to me by Lee, Michelle’s husband and manager of Whiskey Jacks at the base of Big Sky, Montana. To make it, Lee put about two measures of Licor 43 into a short glass half-filled with ice. He then filled the rest of the glass with some bubbly club soda, gave it a stir, and served it up to his grateful guests.

Growing up, I loved Cotton Club Cream Soda and I’ve even occasionally mixed it with vodka as an adult. The Lee-invented ADULT CREAM SODA cocktail is a much better option. The bitter vanilla taste of Licor 43 becomes much more serene with the addition of club soda. Licor 43 is not in every liquor store, but I suggest seeking it out. Once you do, you’ll love how effortlessly easy this is. Just like I’m hoping my trip home will be. Bye Montana! I’ll be back soon.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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