Monday, March 19, 2012


2 measures citron vodka
4 measures orange juice

Most people — whether they are cocktail lovers or not — have had a screwdriver at least once in their life. And there is good reason for it. Screwdrivers are delicious, refreshing, virus-fighting cocktails, that taste good just about any time. They make drinking on Sunday mornings acceptable and allow people who are at a bar with a cold feel better.

For me, it was unpacking time when I chose to make myself a CITRON SCREWDRIVER cocktail. Since I’d had the drink’s close cousin, the FUZZY NAVEL, while I was packing for my trip to Montana, it seemed only fitting. To make the CITRON SCREWDRIVER, I just filled a glass, or two, with ice, then added two measures of citron vodka. Unflavored vodka would work just as well, but the drink’s taste would be a little blander. I filled the rest of the glasses up with Tropicana orange juice, then cut up an orange. I squeezed most of the juice from the orange into the glasses and saved two small slices for garnish. I gave it a stir and AHHH… stupid suitcases can wait until tomorrow.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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