Friday, March 16, 2012


1-3 measures 44 North Huckleberry Vodka (depending on your mood)
1 measure Pink Lemonade
½ measure Club Soda

The Bozman Cutthroat Rugby Club loves their FANCY PANTS, and tonight I learned why. Created by a new friend named Joe, a talented rugby player who has traveled the world, the FANCY PANTS cocktail isn’t really all that fancy. After all, it was created by a Rugby Club in Montana. Still, it’s pink. Unless you are in the mood Joe was in tonight, and then it’s more of a clear color.

To make the FANCY PANTS, Joe first filled enough glasses with ice to serve the gang who had gathered in our rented condo in Big Sky. He then added a lot of the 44 North Huckleberry Vodka. Made in Idaho, 44 North comes in a cool bottle with a long neck. Whatever room is left in the glass was then filled with pink lemonade and club soda. If you use regular lemonade, it’s called a TUBE TOP cocktail around the Rugby Club.

The FANCY PANTS was a great, refreshing cocktail. With a huckleberry flavor mellowed to perfection by the lemonade and club soda, the FANCY PANTS is very characteristic of Montana. And I’m bringing it home to Ohio with me to drink this summer. Montana Michelle is also a big fan of 44 North Huckleberry Vodka. She confessed to living on lemonade and 44 North in the summertime. Sounds like a plan to me.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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