Sunday, February 12, 2012


2 measures dark rum
¼ measure acacia honey
½ measure lime juice
2 measures sparkling lemonade

Today’s high temperature in my town was a chilly, high-wind 27 degrees. Escaping to the island of Jamaica via the JAMAICA SUNDAY cocktail sounded pretty good about 4 pm. I started by measuring the rum into a glass pitcher and adding the honey. The directions said to stir until the honey dissolved. I was having trouble with this, so I heated the rum up in the microwave for about 20 seconds and had a much easier time dissolving the honey.

I then filled some glasses with ice, and added the rum and honey mixture, and lime juice, to them. I then gave it a stir, and topped it off with lemonade and a slice of lime. The taste of the resulting JAMAICA SUNDAY cocktail brought a little of the sunny Jamaican shores, where there are “no problems mon,” back to mind.

To make this cocktail right, be sure to use dark Jamaican rum. The darker the better. Dark rum is white rum that’s been aged in oak barrels, giving it a richer, sweeter flavor. I used Myer’s Original Dark Rum, but a higher quality rum would have definitely elevated the taste of the cocktail. In any case, the dark rum gives the JAMAICA SUNDAY an exotic taste; a bit sour, but definitely a keeper. I just hope the next time I drink it, I’m actually on a beach.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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