Saturday, February 11, 2012


The Kristy Cream Creator
Kristen hard at work
1 measure Woodford Reserve Bourbon
1 measure Frangelico
2 oz Cream.
Pinch of Cinnamon

I already knew that my niece, Kristen Sievers, was fun, smart and pretty. What I didn’t know was what a kick-ass bartender she is. If the KRISTY CREAM cocktail is any indication of the talent she wields behind the bar at CaVa in Manhattan, she should be living the NYC high life on good tips for a while.

The KRISTY CREAM is her creation and she was kind enough to not only share the recipe with me, but some pictures too. To make the KRISTY CREAM, you’ll need Woodford Reserve Bourbon. Kristen says it is the smoothest and I was a little scared that it would be expensive. But at $25 for 50 ml bottle, it actually wasn’t too bad. Anyhoo, get the Woodford and mix it in a shaker with the Frangelico, heavy whipping cream and a dash of cinnamon. Fill the shaker with ice, shake and strain into a martini glass.

My attempt
I thought the KRISTY CREAM was a great brown liquor cocktail fancied up so that it tastes good. It was creamy, thick and tasty. My friend Val’s first reaction was, “It makes my nostrils flare,” and the males in the room who drank it thought it tasted like a rice pudding milkshake. The KRISTY CREAM will warm you up and put a smile on your face. Thanks for a good one Kristen!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

1 comment:

  1. Yayy! I view it as the perfect mix of masculine and feminine, it's got a kick with a touch of drinkable sweetness. Love your blog! -kristen
