Monday, February 13, 2012


2 measures dry white wine
2 measures sparkling ginger ale
¼ measure lime juice

An operator is someone who is always in action and brings about change. It is fitting then that today’s cocktail is the OPERATOR, because it is my niece Margo’s 19th birthday and she’s definitely a smooth operator. She doesn’t hesitate to take action and brings positive changes into the lives of everyone she meets.

The OPERATOR cocktail brought some positive change to a formerly boring Chardonnay. To make the OPERATOR, I took chilled dry white wine, poured it over a glass of ice, and added ginger ale and lime juice in the measurements above. I then gave it all a stir and added a slice of lime — just because.

I really liked the result. The OPERATOR is a light, easy sipping cocktail. It has a low alcohol content perfect for a Monday night, yet it easily satisfied my cocktail craving. It is similar to a white wine spritzer, but using ginger ale instead of soda water was a lot more flavorful. White wine and ginger ale- who knew?

Margo is probably studying hard at Ohio University right now, where she is a freshman. But when she’s 21, she should definitely try an OPERATOR. I know that’s how it was when I went to O.U. anyways. Happy Birthday Margo!

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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