Tuesday, February 14, 2012


4 measures gin
1 measure lemon juice
1 egg white
1 tsp grenadine
Intertwined cherries for garnish

OK, it’s Valentine’s Day and, though I never fall into the commercial hype that is Sweetest Day, I can’t help but do a little something to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the hubby every year. This year was really special — we went for pedicures. Yep, Rob and I shared some wine as our feet were rubbed, scrapped, pampered and, in my case, polished. I loved it (what woman doesn’t.) Rob, he liked it, but didn’t love it. I’ll take an appreciative girlfriend next time, but I’m still glad we shared a pedi and we had a lot of fun doing it. You gotta shake things up once in a while.

We then came home and enjoyed the cocktail of the day, aptly named LOVE. To make it, I combined the ingredients above into a shaker, and, yes, it includes an egg white. I then added ice to the shaker, shook it all up and strained it into the cutest glasses I could find.

As the grand finale, I took some maraschino cherries and tied the stems before plopping them into the glasses. LOVE the cocktail is strong, sweet, unique and cool looking. I loved LOVE’s pink color and, as I sipped, I became a little more in love with cocktails containing grenadine and egg white. And I must say, this cocktail tastes especially good with well manicured feet. Tonight, both the LOVE cocktail and couples pedicures come highly recommended.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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