Wednesday, February 15, 2012


1½ measures cognac
¾ measure Cointreau
¾ measure lemon juice

Ahh… Conitreau — smooth and delicious orange liquor from France — you are becoming a new favorite liquor of mine. Too bad you are so expensive. Figures, doesn’t it? Anything high quality is also high priced.

What also figures is the combination of Cointreau with cognac and lemon juice in the SIDECAR cocktail. To make the cocktail with the cute name, simply put the three elements listed above into a shaker, fill it with ice, give it a shake and strain the mixture into a glass with ice. Top it off with a slice of lemon, and enjoy the cocktail named for the preferred method of transportation for French army officers (which explains the Cointreau.)

I was a little afraid of the cognac being too strong in the SIDECAR, but it wasn’t. It blended well with the other two ingredients, and the result was a smooth, sipping cocktail that contained the controlled sweetness of lemons and oranges. The husband liked it a lot and said it is going to become a new standard drink for his foreseeable future. As you can see in the picture, the SIDECAR killed my bottle of cognac right before the cognac taste was killed by the Cointreau. And yet, I take another sip and, it’s all… good…..

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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