Friday, January 20, 2012


1 ½ measure gin
1 measure Frangelico (crème de noisette)
½ measure lemon juice

Just in case you didn’t know, today is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. Harmony and understanding. Sympathy and trust abounding.

Hence the space cocktail. I like space, I like to look up at space and I take up space. Now, I’ve drank space too. The SPACE cocktail is very interesting tasting and quite good. It is suppose to be an aperitif, dessert type cocktail and that it is.

To make the SPACE cocktail, put the gin, Frangelico and lemon juice in the measurements above into a shaker. Fill with ice and shake. Then strain the mixture into a rocks glass with ice. Sip and enjoy. You’ll taste a lot of hazelnut, which comes from the Frangelico — a hazelnut liqueur from Italy. I think I’ll try it straight on ice next. It’s that good.

A nice way to start another weekend of letting my Hair down.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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