Saturday, January 21, 2012


1 measure Cointreau
1 measure cognac
1 measure white rum
½ measure lemon juice

Happy Anniversary to the best hubby a gal ever had. Rob and I meet 21 years ago in January and married 17 years ago, also in January, at a grand party at an old mansion on Euclid Ave. in Cleveland. A really fun night, and most of the years, days and hours since have been fun too. But not all of course. Marriage can be really hard, but drinking cocktails every night has been great for this old marriage so far. We look forward to sharing a nightly cocktail all day and it gives us some crucial chat time at the kitchen bar that we otherwise might not slow down enough to do.

Tonight we are going out with friends in Ellicotville, New York (on another ski trip), and I’m treating myself to letting a bartender at John Harvards Brewhouse make tonight’s cocktail. We haven’t stayed happy for 17 years without keeping it hot between the sheets, so a BETWEEN THE SHEETS cocktail seemed appropriate. To make this unique cocktail, the bartender put Conintreau, cognac, white rum and lemon juice into a shaker. She then filled the shaker with ice, gave it a shake and strained it into a glass, topping it off with a garnish with lemon.

I tried to take her picture with the cocktail, but she refused. Not sure what she’s hiding from, but she made a good drink. The BETWEEN THE SHEETS cocktail was splendid. I was afraid the Cointreau and cognac would make it too strong to drink, but the white rum and lemon juice balanced it out nicely. It had a sharp taste to it that told me one was good, but more than that and I’d be between the sheets instead of on the ski hill the next day. If hitting the sheets sounds good to you, expand your horizons and give it a try.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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