Sunday, January 22, 2012


1 ½ measure gin
¼ measure honey
¼ measure lemon juice

Tired and weary after a long weekend of celebrating and skiing, I read that the BEES KNEES cocktail was comforting. Made with honey and lemon juice, it sounded comforting. But in reality, it was messy, clumpy and mostly straight gin.

To make the BEES KNEES cocktail, I put gin and lemon juice into a shaker. Then I added some wonderful tupelo honey that a friend of a friend makes to the shaker, filled it with ice and gave it some shakes. According to the recipe, you are supposed to shake vigorously to integrate the honey. I don’t know what I did wrong — I was shaking as hard as I could — but my honey segregated, not integrated. It became a frozen cluster of goo.

I eventually gave up and just strained the mixture into the glasses. The resulting cocktail was OK, but it certainly wasn’t the BEES KNEES. It was very strong and, not surprisingly, I didn’t taste any honey. To me, honey has to be hot to get it to the consistency where it mixes well. I’m gonna be on the lookout for a hot drink with honey and alcohol. Maybe then I will find the comfort I seek. Sigh.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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