Thursday, January 19, 2012


2 measures of good red port
Dash of cognac
Quarter of an Orange

When I first discovered port wine, I was enthralled by its texture and taste, and how well it went with one of life’s treasures — chocolate. The PORT COCKTAIL gave one of my favorite wines a new twist and I loved it.

I had never thought of chilling port before, but the PORT COCKTAIL is cold. To make it, start by putting two measures of port into a glass pitcher. I used a lovely red port from Glenora wineries in the New York Finger Lakes Region and it worked great, but I would love to try this with an expensive bottle. Anyhoo- you then add just a tiny or large dash of cognac, depending on your taste and mood. I went a little heavy on the cognac and I didn’t regret it. Add ice to the glass pitcher and stir to make it all nice and cold. Don’t stir too vigorously like I did. Getting port into my eye was not a pleasant experience.

You then slice an orange into quarters and squeeze the juice from one quarter into the mixture. Don’t put the orange into the cocktail, no matter how tempted you are. You don’t want the orange flavor to take over. Finally, strain it all into a port or wine glass and enjoy your PORT COCKTAIL. 

After last night’s strong cocktail, the husband and I were real happy. “Now THIS I’ll drink,” we both said. We topped it off with some dark chocolate and settled a little deeper into our couch. If you love port like I do, you have to try this wonderful new experience.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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