Monday, December 17, 2012



1½ measure Cherry or Strawberry Liqueur
1½ measure Parfait Armour
1½ measure heavy cream

I was bitten and smitten by the LOVE BITE cocktail tonight. It was a rich, creamy cocktail treat that made for delightful sipping while filling out my Christmas cards, just in the nick of time.

To make the LOVE BITE, I put strawberry liqueur, the hard-to-find Parfait Armour and heavy cream into a cocktail shaker, added ice, shook it well and strained the mixture into a small martini glass. I added some whipped cream for garnish, but it by no means is necessary. The LOVE BITE is filling enough on its own. And though it's not a light drink, it is the right drink for when you want something different and delicious.

The key is the Parfait Armour. The liqueur from Spain is something special, from its pretty purple color to its violet-infused, orange and vanilla flavor. If you see a bottle of Parfait Armour in a liqueur store, pick it up and explore the possibilities, including the LOVE BITE. It's an enticing experience that you'll, well, love.

Drink Up^
Cocktail Connie

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